3 Keys to Make Your Church Board More Effective

Originally published on TonyMorganLive.com

Ask the average pastor for a list of greatest frustrations and the church board will likely be near the top. Many feel their board is stuck in traditional thinking, untrusting, and more of a restraint than an actual resource. At the same time, the typical board is responsible for holding the lead pastor accountable, has budgetary approval at the highest level, and has much influence over the church’s direction.

Last month, the Harvard Business Review highlighted research revealing specific areas in which non-profit boards struggle to be effective. Their findings directly relate to many churches:

Board members fail to understand mission and strategy.

27% of non-profit board members say that “fellow board members lack a strong understanding of the organization’s mission and strategy.” If your church’s board members don’t fully comprehend why you exist and how you operate, they’re going to regularly make off-target suggestions and become frustrated when their misguided expectations are unrealized.

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Ryan Stigile