Originally written for TonyMorganLive.com
A few years ago, I found myself sitting next to a stranger at one of the largest ministry conferences in America. After making a brief introduction, I remarked on how great the church’s production had been. The reply from my new friend, a church planter of 2 years, was surprisingly disappointing: “This is all great. But we could never afford any of it.” Rather than finding inspiration in what he could do in the future, he chose discouragement in what he could not do in the present.
It is natural for leaders to desire perfection. But resources are almost always smaller than dreams. Effective leaders lean into the words of Luke 16:10: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” While God may have placed big dreams in your heart, He may have also placed very few resources in your hands. Rather than making excuses based on what you lack, begin making progress with whatever you’ve been given to leverage. Here are 3 steps that can help you do this:
1. Set Your Priorities
If there’s one truth about resources, it’s that there will never be enough. I have served in both small and large churches. In every situation, we had to make tough decisions about where we would invest our money and time. If you’re struggling with the fact that you cannot do everything as well as you’d like, make a list of your top 2-3 ministry priorities. A good question when setting priorities is this: “Which area(s) of ministry, if improved, would make the greatest impact on the entire church?”
Continue reading and discover the other two steps at TonyMorganLive.com