How To Keep Everyone Focused On Priorities

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If you’ve ever wondered why you’re struggling to accomplish your priorities, it’s likely because you’re not willing to give your team a pass on something.

Everyone talks about priorities in leadership; intentionally choosing what you want to do well. But there’s a flip side of priorities that rarely gets mentioned: intentionally choosing what you’re going to pass on. 

If you’re going to build a church based on relationships, you might have to pass on creating classes on in-depth theology. That’s ok. As long as you’re ok with it.

If you’re going to engage the unchurched, you might have to pass on helping churched people grow deep on Sunday. That’s ok. As long as you’re ok with it.

If you’re going to build a team of volunteers, you might have to pass on consistency week-to-week. That’s ok. As long as you’re ok with it.

If you’re going to reach young families, you might have to pass on reaching their grandparents. That’s ok. As long as you’re ok with it.

If you’re going to establish a healthy staff culture, you might have to pass on building a task-focused team. That’s ok. As long as you’re ok with it.

Every time you set a priority, you inevitably choose to do something else poorly…

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