The Shelf Life of Objectivity

An interesting thing about house guests…they always see the smallest details. You may have lived someplace for years without noticing that crack in the corner, spot on the carpet, or dent in the door. But a guest walks in and sees them all at first glance. (When I was in college, it didn”t matter how certain I was that my dorm room was perfectly maintained, the RA always found some damage that “appeared out of nowhere”.)
The fact is that the more time we spend around something, the less aware we become casino online of its details. Soon after I began my first full-time job, a wise businessman told me, “Your level of objectivity will never be as high as it is right now.” The longer an individual is a part of an organization, the more his outlook becomes tainted by personal feelings, emotions, agendas, etc., and the less he is able to notice the details.
But positive change requires objectivity. We cannot make improvements without clearly identifying problems…
There is much value to the concept of hiring within. Bringing up someone, whether staff or volunteer, who already embraces your vision and strategy certainly ensures absolute buy-in. But while the embracement of your vision and strategy is necessary, experience with it is not. Sometimes you need an individual who sees it all for the first time, with the attentiveness of a house guest. Balancing internal advancement with external hiring can create a healthy blend of unquestioning buy-in and unexposed objectivity within your organization.
Maybe you”ve identified all of your problems. But if you”ve been around long enough to think that, you”re probably not seeing them all.
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Ryan Stigile

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