Thoughts from Catalyst One Day

Today, I had the chance to attend my first Catalyst One Day event.  The focus for the day was organizational culture.  If you know anything about me, you can only imagine how excited I was to hear Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel unpack this topic.  In reviewing the day, I figured I”d share a few of the points that most resonated with me.

From Andy Stanley:

  • Some of us have addressed numeric problems that stemmed from a problem in organizational culture.
  • The more time you spend in your organization, the less aware you are of the culture.  Good leaders find ways to take snapshots of culture.
  • The greatest relational and leadership component is mutual submission.  Mutual submission asks, “What can I do to help?”
  • As you have more authority, you have more people to serve.
  • Without margin to serve, we seek first our kingdom.
  • Whatever standard of excellence you set is the level of excellence you will attract.

From Craig Groeschel:

  • The number one force that shapes your culture is your values.
  • Determine honestly what your actions say you value.
  • Organizations don”t change.  People change.
  • Hire and recruit for your values.  Remove people with distinctly different values.
  • The higher you rise in any organization, the harder you have to work to get an honest opinion.
  • When you delegate tasks, you create followers.  When you delegate authority, you create leaders.

Which of these notes stand out to you?  If you attended today, which points did you hear the loudest?

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Ryan Stigile


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