Why the ropes course didn’t work.

No one can deny the value of unity to a team.  There is a level of excellence and productivity that just cannot be achieved without it. When everyone is on the same page sharing the same objectives, coordination and collaboration reach their peaks.  And so understandably, many leaders work to create unity among team members.  We plan team building activities, whiteboard sessions, community development events, and hire consultants, doing whatever we can develop greater unity.  Yet too often, these great attempts at unity yield only short-term results.  Sure, everyone was best friends at the end of the ropes course, but a month later there was a near boxing match in the conference room.

So then what does it take to create true unity among team members?  Consider the Apostle Paul’s thoughts on this matter…

Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:2-4
Here, Paul states a desire for unity (“same mind…same love…in full accord and of one mind”) followed by an instruction for unity.  He makes it clear that humility produces unity.  When each team member places the others above himself, valuing their needs, interests, and ideas as greater than his own, unity is developed.  If you’re only working for unity on your team, you’ll never fully achieve it.  Instead, work for humility.  The first will result from the achievement of the second.
When it comes to unity, it doesn”t matter how big your vision
…how clear your strategy
…how open your communication
…how developed your leadership ability
…how great your team building activities
…or how expensive your consultant
if your team lacks humility.
Humility produces unity.
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Ryan Stigile

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