Yet their impossibility makes them no less worth pursuing. For instance… …A food bank will …more
Sometimes tripping on your way to the podium is the best thing that could happen …more
If you want to achieve maximum impact, place yourself near the people who most need …more
We all have much to be thankful for. And yesterday, we all were very …more
The process of organizational change involves both additions and subtractions. New, more promising components are …more
Many criticize church ministry programs because of the frequency with which they are changed. But …more
I came across the following video via tonymorganlive.com (excellent blog). While not explicit, it definitely …more
Every organization operates according to two organizational charts: a published chart and a practiced chart. …more
Leadership practices often aim to convey a sense of personal value to those being led. …more
So when you’re asking them to get involved in any activity, don’t appeal to their …more
Every growing organization is faced with this question. Its structure can only expand in one …more
If there’s one leadership principle that we can all agree upon, it’s this: You are …more