Laura Bush at #Leadercast [Notes]

Here are the most valuable principles from Laura Bush at Leadercast 2014. What questions do these raise for your organization? How about for your personal leadership?

  • As a leader, your initial reaction to crisis situations will set the tone for the rest of your organization.
  • The rhythms of family time (dinner, bedtime, etc) are critical during times of high stress.
  • When you have a platform, there are opportunities to use it that you expect. But there are also circumstantial opportunities that arise that you do not expect. (i.e. platforming for Afghanistan women’s rights)
  • To Next Generation Leaders: Treat people with respect. Don’t be sarcastic or cynical.
  • No one is good at listening to advice but everyone copies those ahead of them. Leaders must remember that others are watching them regardless of whether or not it sounds like they’re listening.

Want to see other sessions from Leadercast 2014? You can find notes for all of them here.

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Ryan Stigile