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Orange Conference: Pre-Conference & Main Session 1

Orange Conference 2013 kicked off today and I have to say that I am pretty …more

Hydrate Conference, Day 3

The last day of Hydrate Conference came with a focus on the heart of a …more

Hydrate Conference, Day 2B

We’ve finished up Day 2 at Hydrate and it has been very encouraging to hear …more

Hydrate Conference, Day 2A

Day 2 of Hydrate Conference is only halfway through but it already filled with inspiring …more

Hydrate Conference, Day 1

This evening marked the beginning of Hydrate Conference in Augusta, GA. The conference was designed for …more

Trading Frustration for a Different Focus

Leaders can easily become frustrated by issues outside of their control.  A focus on the …more

Take the Lid Off Your Church

“_____________ begins at the top.” . It’s a common phrase spoken with a few variations. …more

“Change takes time”

“Change takes time” may be the most often used excuse for never actually changing anything. …more

5 Ways to Identify Church Politics from Strategy

Organizations find direction from either strategy or politics.  Each is the enemy of the other. …more

Good Ideas Don’t Last Forever

Every idea has a shelf life.  My latest contribution to offers three important questions …more