Check out Tony Morgan’s latest eBook…

Organizational change is a frequent discussion topic for many church leadership teams.  And most of those discussions begin with a focus on the need for change, easily recognizable with a few key metrics (i.e. attendance, giving, involvement).  But determining how to make change is an entirely different task and the point at which most teams spin their tires until they become frustrated with lack of progress.

Tony Morgan’s latest work, Hanging Up the Leisure Suit: How to Get Unstuck, is an excellent resource for teams that desire change but are unsure of how to create it.  As Tony explains, vision is necessary to an organization but not the total solution for a church in need of change.  Instead, systems and strategies fill the gap between vision and people, allowing a congregation to truly engage with and be a part of the vision being pursued.  Within this short eBook, Tony packs several helpful resources including the elements of a healthy organization and characteristics of healthy systems.  Discussion questions accompany each section, enabling team members to process and apply their reading together.

There are many visionary leaders in ministry but far fewer strategists.  And Tony is one of the best.  I am looking forward to future releases from The Leisure Suit Series.  Check out this most recent installment here.

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Ryan Stigile

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