
Paradigm Before Program

Creating change is difficult in every organization, especially churches. Pastors and church leaders often attend conferences or training sessions, hear a presentation on a new model of ministry and think, “We need to do that at my church!” They return home and immediately begin incorporating new programs into their organizations. However, this packaged-program approach is […]

An attempt to discuss the theology of eternal security…

Growing up with a Pentecostal background, I heard little support for the concept of eternal security. Having recently begun attending and interning at a church affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, I have had more exposure to this belief in the past 8 months than in the previous 20 years of my life. I am […]

Departmental Missions: Do they complement or compete?

Recently, I was talking to a friend and fellow ministry student about the role departmental mission statements (DMS’s) play within an organization. (I define a DMS as the mission statement held by a specific area or division of an organization seeking to fulfill or support a given component of that organization’s mission.) My friend remarked […]

Random thought…

Quality presentation adds perceived credibility to content. presentation= the way in which an idea is communicated or displayed adds= presentation isn’t everything, but it certainly has a lot to offer perceived= implying viewer opinion, regardless of actuality credibility= trustworthiness content= the idea being communicated SO… We can increase the level to which viewers trust our […]

Successful Branding=Commitment [to what?]

I’ve been thinking the past couple of days about the increasing focus on church branding over the past few decades. This increased focus, I believe, is of great value to churches, bettering their first impressions and creating a better presentation to their messages. And I would definitely argue the importance of presentation. However, my thoughts […]

Is it missable?

This summer at Altitude (middle school ministry), we’re taking a break from our regular Wednesday night corporate worship service. Instead, we’ll be doing weekly small groups at off-site host homes. Because of this, Wednesday night was our last corporate service for the next 3 months. On my way to the church, I was hit with […]

The Chip Shot

So I played golf yesterday. Which really means I walked around with a bag of metal sticks making an absolute fool of myself. I often find I can throw a club further than I can hit the ball. And throw them I do. (Yeah, I’m working on that.) Obviously, it was a bad round for […]