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Management and Leadership

The leadership movement has had innumerable positive effects on organizational behavior. Of that there is …more

Hidden Decline: Is it covered by your growth rate?

The general method for tracking church attendance is to collect the total attendance for each …more

Ability vs. Difficulty: Maximizing individuals

Last week I came across a book titled 13 Fatal Errors Managers Make and How …more

Paradigm Before Program

Creating change is difficult in every organization, especially churches. Pastors and church leaders often attend …more

Sowers and Reapers (Gosh, I sound like a televangelist)

We’re all familiar with the story of the Woman at the Well. (While the Disciples …more

An attempt to discuss the theology of eternal security…

Growing up with a Pentecostal background, I heard little support for the concept of eternal …more

Departmental Missions: Do they complement or compete?

Recently, I was talking to a friend and fellow ministry student about the role departmental …more

Random thought…

Quality presentation adds perceived credibility to content. presentation= the way in which an idea is …more

Successful Branding=Commitment [to what?]

I’ve been thinking the past couple of days about the increasing focus on church branding …more

Is it missable?

This summer at Altitude (middle school ministry), we’re taking a break from our regular Wednesday …more

The Chip Shot

So I played golf yesterday. Which really means I walked around with a bag of …more

Random thought…

You can measure the enjoyment level of those in a meeting by how quick they …more